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News Strong German presence at Wine Paris 11.02.2025
From February 10 to 12, 2025, the German Wine Institute (DWI) will be presenting wines and sparkling wines from 51 companies at this year's international wine trade fair “Wine Paris” at the joint stand of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) in the German Pavilion in Hall 4 H283.
News Wine exports to China increased 07.02.2025
According to the Chinese customs authority, imports of German wines to Mainland China rose at an above-average rate last year. With an import volume of 4.7 million liters of wine and sparkling wine, Germany has moved up to sixth place among the most important wine importing countries in China.
News Clink Different: Successful Campaign in the final spurt 27.01.2025
In the final “Clink Different” campaign year 2025, numerous events and tastings will once again reach an audience of millions. The German Wine Institute (DWI) and 'Conseil Interprofessionel du Vin de Bordeaux (CIVB)' are concentrating measures in California, Florida and Texas.
Registration for the press mailer Press mailer
Here you can get the latest press news from the German Wine Institute by e-mail.
Registration for press mailerContact DWI Press Department
Ernst Büscher - Press officer
Tel +49 06135 - 9323 156 Email: eb(at)
Christina Miesch-Schmidt - Press Department
Tel +49 6135 9323 157 Email: cms(at)
From Beer To Bordeaux: Hamburg’s Top Sommelier Redefines Wine Culture
Is Germany's drinking passion waning?
From Germany to Belgium, how climate change allows winemaking further north in Europe