
  • News Charlotte Weihl is the new German Wine Queen 27.09.2024

    The 76th German Wine Queen is Charlotte Weihl and comes from from thewine-growing region Pfalz. In a final that was exciting right up to the end, the 25-year-old won the election on 27 September in Neustadt an der Weinstraβe.

    Charlotte Weihl aus der Pfalz ist die 76. Deutsche Weinkönigin. Ihr zur Seite stehen die Deutschen Weinprinzessinnen Katharina Gräff von der Nahe und Julia Lambrich vom Mittelrhein.
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  • News International websites: One system for all markets 26.09.2024

    End of September, Wines of Germany has launched six new websites for six export markets: Japan, The Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland and the Czech Republic present German wines within the look and feel of international joint marketing.

    Users can obtain an overview with links to all markets and websites by clicking on the small globe at the top right of deutscheweine.de. To the left is the symbol for the online shop, to the right the button to log in to the DWI database.
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  • News Election of the German Wine Queen: Five finalists have made it to the final 21.09.2024

    With profound expertise and a confident performance, five of the twelve candidates in the preliminary round for the 76th German Wine Queen convinced the jury and made it through to the final.

    Das sind die Finalistinnen (vlnr):  Charlotte Weihl aus der PFALZ, Julia Lambrich vom MITTELRHEIN, Katharina Gräff von der NAHE, Marie-Sophie Schwarz von der MOSEL und Annalena Baum aus RHEINHESSEN.
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