Alcohol-free Wine
Alcohol-free still and sparkling wines are on trend. Even though they comprise one of the smallest segments in the wine scene as a niche product, demand and supply are steadily growing.
< 1%
Market share
< 0,5 % vol.
Do alcohol-free wines taste good?
Some respondents to a DWI-commissioned study by Nielsen said they did not even want to test alcohol-free wines, although they had never tried it before. The perception that alcohol-free wines do not have a good taste may well be justified in view of the earlier methods of production.
Production of non-alcoholic wines: then and now
Alcohol-free wines are created by removing alcohol from a finished wine. Previously this was done at elevated temperatures, which destroyed the aromas and lost the complexity of the fruit. Today the processes are designed to conserve the aromas, for example vacuum distillation, which work even at low temperatures. With such new production methods and the preservation of the aromas, the taste of the non-alcoholic products has improved significantly.
Compensating for the loss of alcohol
Aromatic varieties such as Sauvignon Blanc or Gewürztraminer are often used as base wines. They provide an intense aroma, which compensates for the lack of alcohol in the wine. In this context, residual sweetness is also often used to compensate. This is because alcohol is an important flavor carrier in wine, just like fat is in food. In the case of non-alcoholic sparkling wines, carbon dioxide is primarily used for compensation.
Why is the demand increasing?
Health-conscious enjoyment and a balanced lifestyle are much more present today than in the past, which further increases the demand for low- and no-alcohol alternatives. The fact that these products often contain significantly fewer calories also plays a role. Despite their niche status, alcohol-free wines are increasingly in demand. Those who want to consciously avoid alcohol but enjoy the flavours of wine, have found a satisfying alternative with alcohol-free still and sparkling wines.
What is the market share of dealcoholized sparkling wine ?
The market share of dealcoholized sparkling wine is 5%.
with semi-dry wines Flädlesuppe
with semi-dry wines
- 1 Bund Schnittlauch
- 1 Liter Fleischbrühe
- 150 Gramm Weizenmehl
- 300 ml Milch
- nach Belieben Speckschwarte zum ausreiben der Pflanne
- Etwas Salz
Make a smooth, not too thick batter from the flour, milk, eggs and a pinch of salt. Heat a heavy frying pan on a high heat, rub with bacon fat, pour in a small dollop of batter, allow to spread and fry thin pancakes (flädle).
<p>Leave the pancakes to cool, halve and cut into thin strips.
Place in clear, very hot meat stock and serve immediately.
<p- Trollinger (halbtrocken & feinherb)
a Christmassy dessert Plum roaster with cinnamon ice cream
a Christmassy dessert
- 1 kg Zwetschgen (frisch oder TK)
- 100 Gramm Zucker
- 0.5 TL gemahlener Zimt
- Eine Prise Nelkenpulver
- 50 ml Pflaumenschnaps
- 50 Gramm dunkler Rohrzucker
- 2 EL alter Balsamicoessig
- 200 Gramm Zucker
- 4 Eigelb
- 500 ml Sahne
Plum rings:
Wash, deseed and quarter the plums. Spread the sugar evenly in a non-stick pan and melt slowly over a medium heat. Increase the temperature and immediately add the fruit, schnapps and spices. Stir until the mixture caramelises.
Stir in the muscovado sugar and balsamic vinegar, spread onto a cold plate after approx. 3 minutes.
<p>Cinnamon ice cream:
Combine the sugar and egg yolks and stir the two ingredients over a bain-marie until frothy.
Whip the cream, then carefully mix both mixtures and add three teaspoons of cinnamon. Carefully mix the cinnamon into the mixture again.
Pour the finished mixture into any (cake) tin or small dish, cover with aluminium foil and place in the freezer for at least three hours.
Place the plums on four deep plates or small bowls, cut off 2 – 3 ice lollies each and place on top, serve immediately.
- Gewürztraminer (trocken)
with strong red wine Wild boar ragout
with strong red wine
- 800 Gramm Fleisch vom Wildschwein (Keule o. Schulter)
- 80 Gramm Bauchspeck
- 100 Gramm Zwiebeln
- 60 Gramm Karotten
- 60 Gramm Staudensellerie
- 1 TL Tomatenmark
- 200 ml kräftigen Rotwein
- 100 ml Portwein
- 1 Liter braune Wildbrühe
- 1 TL Preiselbeeren
- 1 EL geschlagene Sahne o. Sauerrahm
- 20 Gramm Mehl
- 1 Stück Lorbeerblatt
- je 1 Zweig Rosmarin und Thymian
- 4 zerdrückte Wacholderbeeren
- 1/2 TL Senf
- nach Belieben Salz & Pfeffer
Clean and wash the vegetables and cut into evenly sized cubes.
Remove the fat, skin and tendons from the wild boar meat and cut into 3 cm cubes. Season with salt and pepper and sprinkle with flour. Heat the oil in a frying pan and brown the meat on all sides. Add the vegetables and diced bacon and fry. Add the tomato purée and stir fry. Deglaze with the red wine and port, reduce and pour in the brown game stock. Add the spices to the meat in a small spice bag and leave the ragout to simmer in the oven at 160°C for approx. 1½ hours.
Then remove the pieces of meat, remove the spices, strain the sauce, add the cranberries and mustard and leave to reduce for about 15 minutes. If necessary, thicken with a little cornflour. Serve with the whipped cream.
- Spätburgunder / Pinot Noir (trocken)
with wild duck breast, porcini mushrooms and glazed chestnuts Herb salad
with wild duck breast, porcini mushrooms and glazed chestnuts
- 150 Gramm Wildkräuter
- 4 EL Olivenöl
- 2 EL Balsamessig
- 8 Stück Wildentenbrüste (a 100g)
- 2 EL Sonnenblumenöl
- 4 EL Honig
- 1 EL Thymian
- 200 Gramm Steinpilze
- 20 gekochte Maronen
- 100 ml Apfelsaft
- 2 El Zucker
- nach Belieben Salz & Pfeffer
Clean, wash and pat dry the wild herbs. Marinate with olive oil and balsamic vinegar and season with salt and pepper.
Preheat the oven to 220°C top and bottom heat. Season the wild duck breasts with salt and pepper, sear on the meat side in a pan with sunflower oil and cook in the preheated oven for about 8 minutes on the skin side. Remove the duck breast, brush the skin side with honey and thyme and roast for another 2 minutes on a high heat until crispy.
Clean the porcini mushrooms and cut into slices. Fry in a pan in oil on both sides, remove and keep warm. Caramelise the sugar in the pan, deglaze with the apple juice and simmer until the caramel has dissolved. Add the chestnuts and add a little more apple juice if necessary.
- Pinot Blanc (trocken)
- Gutedel (trocken)