471 results
DWI Current 28.07.2023 "Riesling is one of the best wines in Hong Kong!"
During the Riesling Weeks in Hong Kong, the German Wine Queen Katrin Lang imparted valuable knowledge about German wines and travel destinations in the wine-growing regions.
"Zu meiner Überraschung zählen die Hongkonger den deutschen Riesling international bereits zu den hochwertigsten Weinen", sagt die 74. Deutsche Weinkönigin Katrin Lang. -
Press releases 31.07.2023 German wines gain popularity in Scandinavia
Wines from German regions are finding more and more favour with Scandinavians. As the German Wine Institute (DWI) reports, based on the sales figures of the Scandinavian alcohol monopolies, the sales…
Knowledge Welche Geschmacksrichtungen gibt es offiziell für Weine?
German wines have a wide range of residual sugar contents. But 50 percent of German wines are dry.
Highlights Marienthal Monastery Winery
It was once the oldest monastery on the Ahr, the convent of the Augustinian nuns near Dernau. In 1137 the convent Marienthal was founded.
DWI Current 31.08.2023 UK: Best wine merchants awarded
With the trade campaign "31 Days of German Riesling", the summer was all about German Riesling. In Great Britain, 125 retailers, wine bars and restaurants took part in the worldwide…
Press releases 05.02.2024 Record attendance expected at Vinexpo Paris
From the 12th to the 14th February 2024, the German Wine Institute (DWI) will be presenting a representative selection of wines and sparkling wines from the German wine-growing regions at this…
Vinexpo 2023 -
Press releases 01.09.2023 Beste Müller-Thurgau-Weine prämiert
Das Deutsche Weininstitut (DWI) hat in diesem Jahr seinen Sonderpreis im Rahmen der DLG-Bundesweinprämierung 2023 für die besten Weine der oftmals unterschätzten Rebsorte…
Press releases 05.09.2023 Main vintage started in Germany: Coming weeks decisive
In sunny late summer weather, the main grape harvest has begun these days in most German wine-growing regions with varieties such as Frühburgunder, Müller-Thurgau or Dornfelder.
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Press releases 20.09.2023 The 2023 harvest is progressing rapidly
After the sunny weather at the beginning of September greatly accelerated the ripening of the grapes, the 2023 grape harvest is proceeding extremely quickly.
Knowledge Where does the name Orange Wine come from?
Orange wines get their name from their orange to amber color. It is created during maceration through weeks to months of contact with the tannic grape skins and pips.
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